types of towels
( number of products: 3 )These types of towels you should have at home
That a towel is not equal to a towel is more than obvious. We will need a different product after getting out of the bath, and a completely different one when we want to dry our hands quickly. Therefore, manufacturers decided to introduce a division into specific types of towels. Of course, this is a conventional classification, as a given model may work equally well in several situations. However, when we know exactly what we want, the nomenclature described below will certainly help us make the right choice.
The use of towels - popular distinctions
First of all: we divide the above items according to the material from which they were made. Cotton is probably the most popular here. However, customers increasingly appreciate the advantages of modern ultra-microfiber, which is thinner and at the same time better absorbent than cotton.
The next division is based on gender, i.e. into women's and men's towels. This purpose of towels is divided mainly in terms of appearance, applied prints. In terms of functionality, both ladies and gentlemen have the same requirements. For example: a more feminine model is a towel with a cat pattern, while men will be happy to put on a towel with a floral skull.
The last point is what the model is used for. Here we meet such types of pollution as for the face, for hands, for hair, for baths, and even for laying under the feet on the floor, for drying the car or for wiping dogs. It is important that if the product is evaluated once for a pet or for wiping a car, then it is no longer recommended to use it for wiping by household members.